Joint Efforts
Wellness Carts in TD & Silliman
Provides Bandaids, EmergenC, tissues, and other wellness supplies​
Collaborative effort with YC3, includes fidgets and stress toys
Plan to expand to all other colleges + Good Life Center
Push to Revitalize the LiveSafe app
AED Location Accuracy: Update all AED locations listed in the app to ensure accuracy. Expand the database to include any recently installed AEDs not currently mapped
Integrate a feature within the app to identify locations where safe sex supplies and menstrual products are freely available to the campus community
The locations of our Wellness Carts should be made public and accessible to all students via the LiveSafe app
UPass for Yale Students
Advocated for the implementation of CT Department of Transportation public transit passes for all students, allowing free travel on all buses and trains within the state
YCC Incubator
Revived old YCC initiative to develop student initiatives that directly improve and support the Yale community​
Program provided $500 to three separate student-led projects related to menstrual equity, food waste, and sustainability through social media
Spring Break Activities Grant
Collaboration with Events Branch
Sponsoring student engagement with New Haven events/vendors/workshops

Celene's Highlights

Served as a YCC Delegate, a Senator, and Deputy Director of Financial Policy
Led Financial Policy Team, running meetings, overseeing/assisting with all ​policies, facilitating relationship with financial aid administrators
Created and facilitated distribution of 500 Uber vouchers and 425 MTA train tickets to assist travel home for summer ($25,000 policy)
Held regular meetings with Dean Quinlan & Director of Undergraduate Financial Aid Karensa DiFonzo to advocate for more generous aid, effective communications
Presented a report outlining major student body concerns​​
Organized 2 case study sessions with financial aid office to edit the financial aid offer letter and review aid calculation procedures
Wrote Open Letter Regarding Aid Calculation addressing discrepancy in how financial aid is calculated for the class of 2027 and other class years
Designed Health Coverage Brochures to inform students of what health services are available to them via Yale Health Basic Services
Oversaw and contributed to FGLI Professional Clothing Grant, providing $60 stipends for professional clothing/materials​
Suggested effort to fund Spring Break Domestic Student Grocery Vouchers
Co-wrote Outside Scholarships policy advocating for greater acceptance of merit scholarships to reduce meal plan/housing costs or be returned through a Scholarship Refund
Suggested automatic enrollment in Personal Property Insurance to ensure that students belongings are protected in unexpected events, address lack of awareness around university policy and investment opportunity.
Advocated for greater Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage for students not on 100% financial aid
Supported Kasama: The Filipinx Club at Yale's Tagalog At Yale initiative by writing an open letter to President Salovey, Dean Lewis, and Dean Levesque calling for accredited courses in Tagalog
Celene serves as Deputy Director of Financial policy, a member of the Health & Accessibility Policy team, and a member of the Laundry Task Force.
Juan's Highlights
Co-authored an Open Letter to President Salovey, Dean Lewis, Dean Yee, and Dean Peck advocating for a MENA Student Advisory Committee to ensure that the new MENA space accurately reflects the needs of its students and students are involved in its establishment
Supported efforts for the Open Letter Establishing a Yale Disability Cultural Center, in collaboration with DEFY
Co-authored Dean's Extension for Mental Health
Amended the existing Dean's Extensions policy to explicitly include mental health challenges as valid reasons for requesting an extension
Collaborated with Yale Student Environmental Coalition (YSEC) to write the Yale Student Bikeshare Expansion Initiative ($4000)
​4k investment and grant to YSEC's Bikeshare program for them to use for a number of sources–operational costs, bike parts, technology, and potentially labor costs
Created Healthcare Transportation Reimbursement Program ($900)​​​
Offers students up to $30 total reimbursement for rideshare costs associated with accessing healthcare services
Covers rides to and from Yale Health and nearby hospitals, thus ensuring students receive the care they need despite late hours or unaffordability
Expanded Transportation Reimbursement Program ($1500)
​Expanded the budget of the above proposal by $1500 to cover the higher-than-anticipated demand for rideshare reimbursements
Aims to ensure no student is deterred from accessing essential healthcare services due to financial constraints
Co-authored Constitutional Amendment on Deputy Business Director
​Added the role of Deputy Director as an appointed member of the Executive Board to address issues with financial management.
Collaborated on Free Laundry Supplies Program ($500)
​Instituted a pilot project in which the Yale College Council provided laundry detergent and drying sheets to residential colleges and students for broader use.
Supported Free Bus Pass Initiative ($2,500)​​
Collaborated with another YCC Senator to support student engagement with the New Haven community in the form of providing free bus passes.​
New Haven Bus Pass Guide
Co-authored a guide to local destinations that students could visit using our Free Bus Pass Initiative​, improving engagement with the program and informing the student body for future New haven engagement initiatives.
Advocated for reduced wait times for Accessible Transit Services
Successfully ​advocated for the Director of the Yale Shuttle Program to make significant changes intended to reduce wait times for Accessible Transite Services.
Juan serves as Silliman Senator, and a member of the Health & Accessibility Policy team, Financial Policy team, Cultural and Religious Policy team, and the Laundry Task Force. ​